Nedenfor er en komplett liste over alle filformat som kandidaten har mulighet til å laste opp på eksamensdagen, dersom du har satt inn oppgavetypen filopplasting.

.aviAudio video interleave
.bmpbitmap image file
.cProgramming language
.cssHTML programming language
.docDocument file (MS Word)
.docmWord open XML Macro-enabled document file
.docxDocument file (MS Word)
.dotGraph description language file
.dotmDocument template (MS Word) e.g. macros
.dotxDocument template (MS Word) e.g layout and settings
.emfEnchanced metafile
.flvFlash video files
.ggbGeogebra data file
.gifGraphical interchange format
.hHeader file with extensions
.hlpUsed by Windows help (user read)
.htmHTML webpage used by web browsers
.htmlHypertext markup language
.jpe24-bit compressed raster image
.jpegJoint photographic expert group
.jpgCompressed image format by JPEG
.jsJavascript code
.mdbDatabase file
.mdiHigh resolution document
.mhtWebpage archive saved by a web browser
.mmMind mapping software application (free mind open source)
.movMultimedia container file
.movieStoring digital video data on a computer game
.mp3MPEG Audio layer (compressed audio file)
.mp4MPEG video file (compressed video file)
.m4aAudio file saved in MPEG-4 format
.mpegMoving picture experts group
.mppMicrosoft Project file
.odbDatabase created by Apache openoffice base
.odpPresentation created Apache openoffice
.odsSpreadsheet cheated by Calc-program Appach Openoffice suite
.odtOpenDocument Text Document file
.ottDocument template saved in OASIS
.pdfPortable document format
.pngPortable Network Graphic (image)
.ppsmMacro-enabled slide show (MS PP = microsoft power point)
.ppsxSllide show (MS PP)
.pptMS PP 97-2003
.pptmMS PP open XML macro-enabled presentation file
.pptxMS PP open XML presentation file
.qtApple QuickTime movie
.rapFlowchart-based prgramming environment
.rmRealMedia multimedia file
.rtfRich Text Format
.stwStar office document templates
.svgScalable vector graphics
.swfAdobe flash format (Shockwafe flash)
.sibSibelius music notation
.tarTape archive file
.sxcCalc speadsheet (Staroffice)
.sxwText document file format (Staroffice)
.texLaTex typesetting
.tifTagged image file format (older)
.tiffTagged image file format
.tiiTI Interactive Workbook
.txtText fle
.vsdMircrosoft visio vector graphic
.wavWaveform Audio file
.wksSpreadsheet file (Microsoft works)
.wmfWindows metafile
.wmvWindows media video
.wpsWord Processor file (MS)
.wriText document Microsoft write
.xlsExcel binary file
.xlsbExcel binary file (compressed)
.xlsmSpreadsheet file that support macros
.xlsxExtension for an open XML spreadsheet file
.xmleExtensible markup language (html)
.xpsXML paper specifiactions (page layout file)
.7zCompressed archive file
.gzCompressed files using gzip
.rarCompressed files from archive program winrar
.tarTape Archive files
.zUnix file compressed
.zipArchive file format (compressed)
.zipxZip file from Winzip
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